Sunday 24 June 2007

No lesson today but that is just as well. Although I've had two weeks of annual leave, I've also had a derrible cold in deh head. Misberble virwuz. Between eucalypt oil inhalations and emotional exorcisms at the Church of Oprah (daytime television was all I was up to), no practice has been done.

Saturday 16 June 2007

Quite different playing at 9 in the morning instead of 5.30 in the afternoon (and I was running slightly late). I think all the pieces were a little better but the ballade fell apart. Chopin is always such a struggle.

But enough of the lesson. Piers Lane will be playing tomorrow afternoon. He is always a treat to hear. We're so lucky he comes back to Bris regularly. I think he is playing an all Chopin program. Maybe I'll be inspired.

Arthur is away in Melbourne for two weeks.

Monday 11 June 2007

I think making a distinction between learning new pieces and practicing or playing repertoire is starting to help. The two processes are quite different. Also, with my astigmatism and myopia, I sometimes get lost on the page so using little post-it notes as markers for reading short sections helps. Of course, with this problem the obvious course is to memorize which I have done with the Chopin Etude Op10. No1.

Chopin Etude Op 10 No1: Even but need to place more weight through the R wrist to generate more sound and make it easier for the fingers.

Chopin Etude Op 25 No 2 : Still struggling, some bits a bit better. I think I will try to memorise this as well. Some of the little finger notes in the R hand are not sounding.

Chopin Ballade No 4. : Half way! Shouldn't celebrate to soon though. I think this piece just gets harder and harder as it goes along to the apparently near impossible coda. I need to listen to the CD again.

Rachmaninov Op 32 no 10: Still need to move faster. The middle section is better especially the left hand. The bar before the first cadenza is still breaking down.

Rach. op. 23 No 5: Just the coda to learn. Should have it finished by next week. Almost memorised first two pages. Good.

Brahms Op. 119 No 4. : Going to listen to Radu Lupu's performance of this on CD.

Next week will be Saturday at 9am because Piers Lane is playing on Sunday afternoon.

Sunday 3 June 2007

A good lesson overall. Didn't have any coffee today - that helps! I think going to yoga class helps too.

1. Chopin Etude Op. 10 No 1. Better today. Needs more quality and sound in the L hand. Use the L hand to make the drama.

2. Chopin Etude Op. 25 No 2. Still struggling with the balance (and memory!). To me the top parts in the R hand need more security. Use them here and there to rest the thumb. Not to much rit at ends of sections. Upper part of R hand can come out in the higher register.

3. Chopin Ballade No. 4. Another three bars - woo hoo! Balance still difficult esp at ends of phrases. Insecure. Why can't he just stay in one key, even for a single bar.... bar humbug. I think I would have hated to have had Chopin as a teacher.

4. Rachmaninov Op 32 no 10. Was more confident. Need to move faster between bass and upper parts in the chordal section. Needs more security in the next part. Coda is ok. Can go louder earlier in the chordal section. Hard to keep the forward momentum without hurrying.

5. Rach. op. 23 No 5. Just played the middle section.

New piece - Brahms Op 119 the Rhapsody - more moving around the keyboard with large chords. Need to get a recording.